ÖRK-Generalsekretär Samuel Kobia

Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK)

In seinem Glückwunschschreiben an den neu gewählten Papst spricht der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Pastor Dr. Samuel Kobia, von der "Erneuerung des Engagements" zur "ökumenischen Offenheit" und zu "einem Dialog der Umkehr".

Kobia, der Benedikt XVI. als einen Mann beschreibt, der bekannt sei "für seine theologische Integrität und kirchliche Loyalität, seine evangeliumsgemäße Einfachheit und sein seelsorgerliches Feingefühl", gibt seiner Hoffnung Ausdruck, dass sich die römisch-katholische Kirche in der Zeit seines Pontifikats "mit erneuertem Engagement darum bemühen wird, die Lehren und den Geist der ökumenischen Offenheit, die vom Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil ausgingen, im Leben ihrer Gläubigen und der Kirche insgesamt zu praktizieren".

In seinem Schreiben vom 20. April aus Genf an den neu gewählten Papst unterstreicht Kobia ferner, dass die ekklesiologische Vision des Zweiten Vaticanums "offen gewesen ist gegenüber allen kirchlichen Werten unter den Christen anderer Traditionen" und dass es daher "das Engagement der römisch-katholischen Gläubigen geweckt, unterstützt und gefestigt hat, sich auf den Weg zu machen, um ihren Schwestern und Brüdern in Christus zu begegnen und die tatsächliche, wenn auch unvollkommene, Gemeinschaft mit ihnen zu erfahren".

"Wir beten dafür", schreibt Kobia, "dass Ihr Pontifikat eine gesegnete Zeit des Dialogs zwischen den Kirchen werden möge, des Dialogs in Wahrheit und Liebe, des Dialogs als Austausch von Gaben zwischen den christlichen Kirchen, eines Dialogs der Umkehr."

Genf, 21. April 2005


Nachstehend der vollständige Wortlaut des Schreibens (in englisch):

Your Holiness Pope Benedict XVI,

"Grace, mercy and peace be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, in truth and love" (2 Jn 3).

In unison with our Roman Catholic sisters and brothers, we praise our common Lord Jesus Christ for your election as the Bishop of Rome, the 264th successor of Peter, the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

We give thanks to our common Lord Jesus Christ for granting the Roman Catholic Church a new Bishop of Rome, known for his theological integrity and ecclesial loyalty, his evangelical simplicity and pastoral sensitivity, a successor to Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XV, both known as "Primates of peace".

Your election coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, the great beginning of the modern ecumenical journey within the Roman Catholic Church.

We pray to our common Lord Jesus Christ, asking that your Pontificate constitute a time for the Roman Catholic Church to apply, in a renewed commitment, the teachings and the spirit of ecumenical openness exemplified in the Second Vatican Council to the life of her faithful and of the whole Church.

Through the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church spoke courageously to her faithful and to the world. Unitatis Redintegratio emphasized the restoration of unity among churches as a priority and enabled the Roman Catholic Church to forge new ways of relationships with other Christian churches. Gaudium et Spes spoke of the Church in the modern world, and opened new ways of common Christian witness to the world.

We pray to our common Lord Jesus Christ, asking that your Pontificate be guided by the ecclesiological vision of the Second Vatican Council, a vision open to all ecclesial values present among Christians of other traditions, a vision that has prompted, encouraged and strengthened the commitment of the Roman Catholic faithful to the journey towards encountering their sisters and brothers in Christ and experiencing the real, though imperfect, communion with them.

More recently, interpreting the Second Vatican Council, John Paul II has issued the encyclical Ut Unum Sint. In this important document, Christian churches have gratefully acknowledged a spirit of humility, coming out clearly in expressions like "dialogue of consciences", "dialogue of conversion", and the "acknowledgment, jointly and to each other, that we are men and women who have sinned".

We pray to our common Lord Jesus Christ, asking that your Pontificate become a blessed time of dialogue between churches, of dialogue in truth and love, of dialogue as an exchange of gifts among Christian churches, a dialogue of conversion.

In the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, cooperation between the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches has been strengthened through the Joint Working Group, and through full membership of the Roman Catholic Church in the Commission on Faith and Order, and of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. The level of trust and openness that was established has allowed a frank and open dialogue, has contributed to overcoming difficulties, and has maintained a close cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and the fellowship of churches represented by the WCC.

We pray to our common Lord Jesus Christ, asking that your Pontificate strengthen existing instruments of working together and initiate new ways of cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches.

In today's world, where violence, injustice, poverty and the HIV/AIDS pandemic are devastating so many lives, the concern for transmitting the spiritual resources of the churches to the world has become an ecumenical pastoral priority.

We pray to our common Lord Jesus Christ, asking that your Pontificate open new ways for Christian churches to share with one another their spiritual resources and together bring to the suffering world a message of healing and a message of hope.

In all these, you will find us ready to journey with you, ready to seek with you responses to the burning questions of our times, ready to witness together to the saving, liberating, healing and transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

"Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Eph 3:20).

Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia
General Secretary
World Council of Churches

Geneva, 20 April 2005